
How to Find and Keep Customers Via E-Commerce

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How to Find, and Keep, Customers with E-Commerce

Attracting customers to your business is typically an ongoing process, and as such, it can be one of the most difficult things you have to face as a business owner. In a perfect world, your product or service would bring in a clientele all on its own, but unfortunately, it takes a lot of hard work and constant innovation to bring in new customers and keep them coming back. If you can learn how to refresh your business and market it in a way that speaks to people, you’ll be free to run your company without stress. The big question is: How do you get started?

One of the best ways to reach people is through the internet. Not only do you need to have a top-notch website, your social media presence should be maintained and kept relevant. If you have the resources, adding a mobile version of your site, as many shoppers these days prefer doing business on their smartphones. The more you can keep up with the needs of your target audience, the better off you’ll be.

Upgrading Your Website

When it comes to e-commerce, many businesses don’t realize how much their website could be improved. Even if it’s only a couple of years old, technology is constantly changing, meaning your site could be lagging or out-of-date. The bad news is that 38 percent of your customers will leave the site if it’s hard to use or if the layout isn’t aesthetically pleasing; the good news is, this is a fairly easy fix. Start by figuring out what you want to highlight and what you want your customers to know when they come to your website. Then make sure your content is tight and fresh and that the design is easy to navigate without being too complicated. Keep things updated so that when you get a repeat customer, they can see that your business is anything but stale.

Keeping Things Fresh

E-commerce is often all about what’s new and fresh, so it’s important to make sure your inventory, website, and social media presence are all up-to-date. Adding new things for your customers — even if it’s only an offer for free shipping — can help keep people coming back, and will give you something new to advertise on social media. If you have pieces of inventory that are older than a few months, try bundling them with other products. Not only will this help you weed through older items and get them out of your stock, but it will also leave customers feeling like they’re getting a great deal.

Staying Active On Social Media

Social media should be an automatic extension of your business. These days, it’s hard to find new customers without a deep online presence, so it’s important to maintain social media pages for your business that will keep your current customers engaged and attract new ones. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are all great starts, but you’ll need to keep up with them daily; algorithms mean your posts may get lost in the shuffle if you don’t share content often. Keep it relevant to your business and make it professional. Also, don’t be afraid to interact with your customers. The more you show them a personal touch, the more likely they are to come back.


Building professional relationships and networking with other like-minded entrepreneurs can help you expand your business in many ways. Not only will it help you find people who can act as mentors and assist you when you have questions, but it can also allow you to form a partnership and potentially double your customer base. For instance, if you sell scented candles and know someone who sells bath products, you can partner up with them to cross-promote your businesses online to customers who are looking for some relaxation.

Finding the Funds

With so many small businesses reeling from the pandemic, it’s hard to imagine spending money if profits are down. However, the adage about spending money to make money holds true here. But that doesn’t mean you have to burn through your life savings. Instead, consider alternate funding sources, like government-backed loans or even private loans or grants. With a little homework, it can be easy to access the funds you need to help position your business for growth.

Finding and keeping new business can be a long process, so try to stay patient as you figure out the best ways to promote your company and put yourself out there. Remember that giving your customers a personal touch — including responding promptly to their questions and concerns — can go a long way toward bringing new business your way simply through word-of-mouth.

If you’re ready to develop a website that works for your business, then get in touch with 45Squared to speak to one of our experts!

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